Classes » CMNS 200, Winter 2025
- Name
Business Communications
- Description
This is an interactive introduction to written and non-written communications used in business. Emphasis will be placed on the practice of listening, critical thinking, writing, and public speaking in an audience-focused manner. Classes will include a combination of lectures, formal and informal group discussions, as well as individual and collaborative writing and speaking assignments.
- Prerequisites
70% in BC English 12 or equivalent OR 70% in CCC ENGL 099
- Credits
- Semester
- Instructor
- Schedules
- Tuesdays, 10:30 to 11:50, Rm 308
- Thursdays, 10:30 to 11:50, Rm 308
- Capacity
- Tuition
This tuition applies to domestic full-time students. Tuitions for international, senior, and auditing students may vary.- Fees
Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
CMNS 200 | CMNS 200 |