Classes » SOCI 203, Winter 2025
- Name
Social Issues Communication
- Description
Through this course, students will sociologically examine selected global social issues and how they are communicated in a religious and moral context: religious freedom and plurality; the divide between the secular and religion; women's issues; abortion and euthanasia; just war doctrine; and globalization. Students will start by examining different sociological accounts on these matters, and will enter in dialogue with the teachings of the Catholic Church as well as that from other religious perspectives including Hinduism, Buddhism and Islam. In-class debates will allow to grasp the many arguments on each side of the debates, with their strong and weak points. Concluding remarks will be made from the standpoint of sociology of knowledge.
- Credits
- Semester
- Instructor
- Schedules
- Tuesdays, 10:30 to 11:50, Rm 101
- Thursdays, 10:30 to 11:50, Rm 101
- Capacity
- Tuition
This tuition applies to domestic full-time students. Tuitions for international, senior, and auditing students may vary.- Fees
Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
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