Classes » HIST 205, Summer 2 2026
- Name
History of Early Modern Asia
- Description
An introductory course on the history of East Asia, spanning from the late 15th to early 19th century. It considers both the distinct features and the interconnected aspects of Japan, China, and Korea. It is recommended that students had passed CCC ENGL 150 before taking the course.
- Credits
- Semester
- Instructor
- Schedules
- Mondays, 09:00 to 12:00, Rm 308
- Wednesdays, 09:00 to 12:00, Rm 308
- Capacity
- Tuition
This tuition applies to domestic full-time students. Tuitions for international, senior, and auditing students may vary.- Fees
Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
HIST 205 | HIST 205 |