
ANTH 102Introduction to Cultural Anthropology14
ASTR 210Exploring the Universe: The Solar System6
BIOL 112Unicellular Life15
BIOL 121Ecology, Genetics and Evolution16
BIOL 140Laboratory Investigations in Life Science11
BIOL 150Human Anatomy & Physiology I5
BIOL 151Human Anatomy & Physiology II5
BRDGENGLBridge Program: English Pathway2
BUSN 204Operations Management and Logistics15
BUSN 205Introduction to Management Information Systems17
BUSN 290Introductory Quantitative Decision Analysis29
BUSN 291Applications of Statistics in Business22
BUSN 292Organizational Behaviour38
BUSN 293Introduction to Financial Accounting23
BUSN 294Managerial Accounting18
BUSN 295Managerial Economics18
BUSN 296Introduction to Marketing23
BUSN 297Social Media Strategy4
BUSN 298Introduction to Finance16
CHEM 101Structural Chemistry3