ANTH 102 | Introduction to Cultural Anthropology | 14 |
ASTR 210 | Exploring the Universe: The Solar System | 6 |
BIOL 112 | Unicellular Life | 15 |
BIOL 121 | Ecology, Genetics and Evolution | 16 |
BIOL 140 | Laboratory Investigations in Life Science | 11 |
BIOL 150 | Human Anatomy & Physiology I | 5 |
BIOL 151 | Human Anatomy & Physiology II | 5 |
BRDGENGL | Bridge Program: English Pathway | 2 |
BUSN 204 | Operations Management and Logistics | 15 |
BUSN 205 | Introduction to Management Information Systems | 17 |
BUSN 290 | Introductory Quantitative Decision Analysis | 29 |
BUSN 291 | Applications of Statistics in Business | 22 |
BUSN 292 | Organizational Behaviour | 38 |
BUSN 293 | Introduction to Financial Accounting | 23 |
BUSN 294 | Managerial Accounting | 18 |
BUSN 295 | Managerial Economics | 18 |
BUSN 296 | Introduction to Marketing | 23 |
BUSN 297 | Social Media Strategy | 4 |
BUSN 298 | Introduction to Finance | 16 |
CHEM 101 | Structural Chemistry | 3 |