Semesters » Fall 2009

Important dates


Registration ended Friday September 25, 2009.
BUSN 292Organizational BehaviourClass complete
BUSN 293Introduction to Financial AccountingClass complete
CLST 201Classical MythologyClass complete
ECON 201-APrinciples of MicroeconomicsClass complete
ECON 201-BPrinciples of MicroeconomicsClass complete
ENGL 099Introduction to Academic Writing SkillsClass complete
ENGL 110-AAcademic Reading, Writing and ThinkingClass complete
ENGL 110-BAcademic Reading, Writing and ThinkingClass complete
ENGL 110-CAcademic Reading, Writing and ThinkingClass complete
ENGL 231English Literature to 1750Class complete
FILM 110Introduction to Film and MediaClass complete
FILM 220History of Cinema II (1930s to the Present)Class complete
FINA 101Introduction to TheatreClass complete
FINA 224Islamic Art and ArchitectureClass complete
FREN 113Introductory French IIIClass complete
GEOG 102Introduction to Physical Geography: Weather and ClimateClass complete
HIST 100Early Medieval EuropeClass complete
HIST 105Pre-Confederation History of CanadaClass complete
LAST 100Latin America: Land of Constant ConquestClass complete
MATH 100Differential Calculus for Physical Sciences and EngineeringClass complete
MATH 102Pre-CalculusClass complete
MTHD 400-AMethods in Study and Research IClass complete
MTHD 400-BMethods in Study and Research IClass complete
MTHD 400-CMethods in Study and Research IClass complete
MTHD 402-AMethods in Study and Research IIIClass complete
MTHD 402-BMethods in Study and Research IIIClass complete
PHIL 102History of Philosophy from the post- Aristotelic Period to the early MedievalClass complete
PHIL 104-ACritical ThinkingClass complete
PHIL 104-BCritical ThinkingClass complete
PHIL 218Philosophy and Consumer CultureClass complete
POLI 240Foundations of Western Political ThoughtClass complete
PSYC 100-AIntroduction to Psychology IClass complete
PSYC 100-BIntroduction to Psychology IClass complete
SPAN 101Introduction to Spanish IClass complete
SPAN 201Intermediate Spanish IClass complete