Semesters » Fall 2009
Important dates
Registration ended Friday September 25, 2009.
Code | Name | Capacity |
BUSN 292 | Organizational Behaviour | Class complete |
BUSN 293 | Introduction to Financial Accounting | Class complete |
CLST 201 | Classical Mythology | Class complete |
ECON 201-A | Principles of Microeconomics | Class complete |
ECON 201-B | Principles of Microeconomics | Class complete |
ENGL 099 | Introduction to Academic Writing Skills | Class complete |
ENGL 110-A | Academic Reading, Writing and Thinking | Class complete |
ENGL 110-B | Academic Reading, Writing and Thinking | Class complete |
ENGL 110-C | Academic Reading, Writing and Thinking | Class complete |
ENGL 231 | English Literature to 1750 | Class complete |
FILM 110 | Introduction to Film and Media | Class complete |
FILM 220 | History of Cinema II (1930s to the Present) | Class complete |
FINA 101 | Introduction to Theatre | Class complete |
FINA 224 | Islamic Art and Architecture | Class complete |
FREN 113 | Introductory French III | Class complete |
GEOG 102 | Introduction to Physical Geography: Weather and Climate | Class complete |
HIST 100 | Early Medieval Europe | Class complete |
HIST 105 | Pre-Confederation History of Canada | Class complete |
LAST 100 | Latin America: Land of Constant Conquest | Class complete |
MATH 100 | Differential Calculus for Physical Sciences and Engineering | Class complete |
MATH 102 | Pre-Calculus | Class complete |
MTHD 400-A | Methods in Study and Research I | Class complete |
MTHD 400-B | Methods in Study and Research I | Class complete |
MTHD 400-C | Methods in Study and Research I | Class complete |
MTHD 402-A | Methods in Study and Research III | Class complete |
MTHD 402-B | Methods in Study and Research III | Class complete |
PHIL 102 | History of Philosophy from the post- Aristotelic Period to the early Medieval | Class complete |
PHIL 104-A | Critical Thinking | Class complete |
PHIL 104-B | Critical Thinking | Class complete |
PHIL 218 | Philosophy and Consumer Culture | Class complete |
POLI 240 | Foundations of Western Political Thought | Class complete |
PSYC 100-A | Introduction to Psychology I | Class complete |
PSYC 100-B | Introduction to Psychology I | Class complete |
SPAN 101 | Introduction to Spanish I | Class complete |
SPAN 201 | Intermediate Spanish I | Class complete |