Semesters » Winter 2009
Important dates
Registration ended Friday January 16, 2009.
Code | Name | Capacity |
AES II | Academic Reading and Writing | Class complete |
BUSN 294 | Managerial Accounting | Class complete |
CLST 102 | Introduction to Roman Civilization | Class complete |
ECON 202 | Principles of Macroeconomics | Class complete |
ENGL 110 | Academic Reading, Writing and Thinking | Class complete |
ENGL 120-A | Introduction to Literary Genres | Class complete |
ENGL 120-B | Introduction to Literary Genres | Class complete |
ENGL 231 | English Literature to 1750 | Class complete |
ENGL 252 | Celtic Mythology | Class complete |
FILM 210 | History of Cinema I (1895-1930) | Class complete |
FINA 102 | Introduction to Acting | Class complete |
FINA 203 | Voice and Movement | Class complete |
FREN 123 | French Language and Literature I | Class complete |
MATH 204-B | Diff. Calc. for Business, Economics, Social Sciences | Class complete |
MTHD 401 | Methods in Study and Research II | Class complete |
MTHD 403 | Methods in Study and Research IV | Class complete |
MTHD 403-A | Methods in Study and Research IV | Class complete |
PHIL 203 | Philosophy of Religion | Class complete |
POLI 100 | Modern Western Politics | Class complete |
PSYC 101-A | Introduction to Psychology II | Class complete |
PSYC 101-B | Introduction to Psychology II | Class complete |
RELG 213 | The Son and the Messenger of God: The New Testament and the Qur’an | Class complete |
SJPS 110 | Homelessness & Downtown Eastside | Class complete |
SPAN 102 | Elementary Spanish II | Class complete |