Semesters » Winter 2014
Important dates
Registration ended Saturday January 18, 2014.
Code | Name | Capacity |
ANTH 102 | Introduction to Cultural Anthropology | Class complete |
BIOL 112-Online | Unicellular Life | Class complete |
BIOL 140 | Laboratory Investigations in Life Science | Class complete |
BUSN 290-Online | Introductory Quantitative Decision Analysis | Class complete |
BUSN 291-Online | Applications of Statistics in Business | Class complete |
BUSN 294 | Managerial Accounting | Class complete |
BUSN 296-Online | Introduction to Marketing | Class complete |
BUSN 298 | Introduction to Finance | Class complete |
CLST 102 | Introduction to Roman Civilization | Class complete |
CLST 201 | Classical Mythology | Class complete |
ECON 202 | Principles of Macroeconomics | Class complete |
ENGL 110-STA RS | Academic Reading, Writing and Thinking | Class complete |
ENGL 110-VC RS | Academic Reading, Writing and Thinking | Class complete |
ENGL 120-2 | Introduction to Literary Genres | Class complete |
ENGL 120-3 | Introduction to Literary Genres | Class complete |
ENGL 120-4 | Introduction to Literary Genres | Class complete |
ENGL 120-Coord Arts | Introduction to Literary Genres | Class complete |
ENGL 230 | Classical and Biblical Texts and Literature | Class complete |
ENGL 252 | Celtic Mythology | Class complete |
ENGL 282 | Creative Writing II | Class complete |
FILM 220 | History of Cinema II (1930s to the Present) | Class complete |
HIST 101 | Later Medieval Europe | Class complete |
LDR 101 | Leadership II | Class complete |
MATH 111 | Differential Calculus II | Class complete |
PHIL 104 | Critical Thinking | Class complete |
PHIL 104-Coord Arts | Critical Thinking | Class complete |
PHIL 217 | Philosophy of the Human Person | Class complete |
POLI 220 | Politics of the Arctic | Class complete |
POLI 240 | Foundations of Western Political Thought | Class complete |
PSYC 101-1 | Introduction to Psychology II | Class complete |
PSYC 101-ND RS | Introduction to Psychology II | Class complete |
PSYC 202 | Analysis of Behavioural Data | Class complete |
RELG 212 | Near Eastern Myths and the Hebrew Bible | Class complete |
RELG 240-Coord Arts | Explorations in Catholicism | Class complete |
SPAN 102 | Elementary Spanish II | Class complete |
SPAN 202 | Intermediate Spanish II | Class complete |
UBC-AS-GEOB 102 | UBC Access Studies | Class complete |
UBC-AS-LATN 100 | UBC Access Studies | Class complete |
UBC-AS-PHIL 120 | UBC Access Studies | Class complete |