Semesters » Winter 2014

Important dates


Registration ended Saturday January 18, 2014.
ANTH 102Introduction to Cultural AnthropologyClass complete
BIOL 112-OnlineUnicellular LifeClass complete
BIOL 140Laboratory Investigations in Life ScienceClass complete
BUSN 290-OnlineIntroductory Quantitative Decision AnalysisClass complete
BUSN 291-OnlineApplications of Statistics in BusinessClass complete
BUSN 294Managerial AccountingClass complete
BUSN 296-OnlineIntroduction to MarketingClass complete
BUSN 298Introduction to FinanceClass complete
CLST 102Introduction to Roman CivilizationClass complete
CLST 201Classical MythologyClass complete
ECON 202Principles of MacroeconomicsClass complete
ENGL 110-STA RSAcademic Reading, Writing and ThinkingClass complete
ENGL 110-VC RSAcademic Reading, Writing and ThinkingClass complete
ENGL 120-2Introduction to Literary GenresClass complete
ENGL 120-3Introduction to Literary GenresClass complete
ENGL 120-4Introduction to Literary GenresClass complete
ENGL 120-Coord ArtsIntroduction to Literary GenresClass complete
ENGL 230Classical and Biblical Texts and LiteratureClass complete
ENGL 252Celtic MythologyClass complete
ENGL 282Creative Writing IIClass complete
FILM 220History of Cinema II (1930s to the Present)Class complete
HIST 101Later Medieval EuropeClass complete
LDR 101Leadership IIClass complete
MATH 111Differential Calculus IIClass complete
PHIL 104Critical ThinkingClass complete
PHIL 104-Coord ArtsCritical ThinkingClass complete
PHIL 217Philosophy of the Human PersonClass complete
POLI 220Politics of the ArcticClass complete
POLI 240Foundations of Western Political ThoughtClass complete
PSYC 101-1Introduction to Psychology IIClass complete
PSYC 101-ND RSIntroduction to Psychology IIClass complete
PSYC 202Analysis of Behavioural DataClass complete
RELG 212Near Eastern Myths and the Hebrew BibleClass complete
RELG 240-Coord ArtsExplorations in CatholicismClass complete
SPAN 102Elementary Spanish IIClass complete
SPAN 202Intermediate Spanish IIClass complete
UBC-AS-GEOB 102UBC Access StudiesClass complete
UBC-AS-LATN 100UBC Access StudiesClass complete
UBC-AS-PHIL 120UBC Access StudiesClass complete