Semesters » Winter 2019

Important dates


Registration ended Tuesday January 15, 2019.
ANTH 102Introduction to Cultural AnthropologyClass complete
BIOL 112-ONLINEUnicellular LifeClass complete
BIOL 140Laboratory Investigations in Life ScienceClass complete
BUSN 205Introduction to Management Information SystemsClass complete
BUSN 291Applications of Statistics in BusinessClass complete
BUSN 292-1Organizational BehaviourClass complete
BUSN 292-2Organizational BehaviourClass complete
BUSN 294Managerial AccountingClass complete
BUSN 298Introduction to FinanceClass complete
CHIN 102Mandarin for Beginners II (Non-Heritage)Class complete
CMNS 212-ONLINEProject Management in Digital MediaClass complete
CPSC 121Methods of ComputationClass complete
CRIM 200Psychological Explanations of Criminal BehaviourClass complete
ECON 101-CE-ONLINE1Principles of MicroeconomicsClass complete
ECON 102-1Principles of MacroeconomicsClass complete
ECON 102-2Principles of MacroeconomicsClass complete
ECON 102-CE-ONLINEPrinciples of MacroeconomicsClass complete
ENGL 099Introduction to Academic Writing SkillsClass complete
ENGL 099-CE-1Introduction to Academic Writing SkillsClass complete
ENGL 099-CE-2Introduction to Academic Writing SkillsClass complete
ENGL 099-CE-3Introduction to Academic Writing SkillsClass complete
ENGL 099-CE-4Introduction to Academic Writing SkillsClass complete
ENGL 099-CE-5Introduction to Academic Writing SkillsClass complete
ENGL 099-CE-ONLINE1Introduction to Academic Writing SkillsClass complete
ENGL 099-CE-ONLINE2Introduction to Academic Writing SkillsClass complete
ENGL 110-1Academic Reading, Writing and ThinkingClass complete
ENGL 110-2Academic Reading, Writing and ThinkingClass complete
ENGL 110-CE-1Academic Reading, Writing and ThinkingClass complete
ENGL 110-CE-2Academic Reading, Writing and ThinkingClass complete
ENGL 110-CE-3Academic Reading, Writing and ThinkingClass complete
ENGL 110-CE-4Academic Reading, Writing and ThinkingClass complete
ENGL 110-CE-5Academic Reading, Writing and ThinkingClass complete
ENGL 110-CE-6Academic Reading, Writing and ThinkingClass complete
ENGL 110-CE-7Academic Reading, Writing and ThinkingClass complete
ENGL 110-CE-8Academic Reading, Writing and ThinkingClass complete
ENGL 110-RS-STAAcademic Reading, Writing and ThinkingClass complete
ENGL 120-1Introduction to Literary GenresClass complete
ENGL 120-2Introduction to Literary GenresClass complete
ENGL 120-RS-NDIntroduction to Literary GenresClass complete
ENGL 232English Literature (1750-Present)Class complete
FILM 283Introduction to the ScreenplayClass complete
GEOG 103-ONLINEIntroduction to Physical Geography: Landforms and VegetationClass complete
HIST 101Later Medieval EuropeClass complete
HIST 106Post-Confederation History of CanadaClass complete
LDR 101Leadership IIClass complete
MATH 104-CE-ONLINE1Differential Calculus for Business, Economics and the Social SciencesClass complete
MATH 105-CE-ONLINE1Integral Calculus for Business, Economics and the Social SciencesClass complete
MATH 110Differential Calculus IClass complete
MATH 111-1Differential Calculus IIClass complete
MATH 111-2Differential Calculus IIClass complete
MATH 230-CE-ONLINE1Introduction to Finite MathematicsClass complete
MATH 230-CE-ONLINE2Introduction to Finite MathematicsClass complete
PHIL 104Critical ThinkingClass complete
PHIL 131Introduction to EthicsClass complete
PHYS 100-CE-ONLINE1Introductory Physics: Mechanics and HeatClass complete
PHYS 101Basic Wave Motion, Wave Interference and Conservation LawsClass complete
PHYS 101-CE-ONLINEBasic Wave Motion, Wave Interference and Conservation LawsClass complete
POLI 240Foundations of Western Political ThoughtClass complete
PSYC 101-1Introduction to Psychology IIClass complete
PSYC 101-2Introduction to Psychology IIClass complete
PSYC 101-RS-NDIntroduction to Psychology IIClass complete
PSYC 201Research Methods in PsychologyClass complete
RELG 240Explorations in CatholicismClass complete
SOCI 101Introduction to Sociology: Power, Institutions and Social ChangeClass complete
SOCI 240Social Issues in EducationClass complete
SPAN 102Elementary Spanish IIClass complete