Classes » HIST 201, Winter 2025
- Name
Europe from the French Revolution to the Present
- Description
An introduction to the history of modern Europe, outlining the main periods and surveying some of the key political, intellectual, social, economic, and cultural developments that shaped European history from the French Revolution to the reunification of Germany and the fall of Soviet communism in the late twentieth century.
- Credits
- Semester
- Instructor
- Schedules
- Mondays, 15:00 to 16:20, Rm 101
- Wednesdays, 15:00 to 16:20, Rm 101
- Capacity
- Tuition
This tuition applies to domestic full-time students. Tuitions for international, senior, and auditing students may vary.- Fees
Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
HIST 201 | HIST 201 |