Dr. Paul Burns

• Awarded UBC UBC Teaching Prize in 1995 Awarded the UBC Service Medal in 1990

Employment for 2014-2015: • Dean of Liberal Arts at Corpus Christi • College Instructor for RELG 207: World Religions and RELG 240: Explorations in Catholicism • Emeritus Associate Professor, UBC, teaching RGLA 371: Seminar in Religion Literature and the Arts

Courses Taught in the Last 10 Years • For Corpus Christi: World Religions, Explorations in Catholicism and Early Christian Writers. • For St. Mark’s College: Graduate course in Church History • For UBC: Arts One; World Religions; Prophetic Figures in the Christian Tradition, Seminar on Religion, Literature and the Arts, History of Christian Thought, Latin 100 and Graduate courses on Augustine’s Confessions, Augustine’s City of God, Christian Lives of the Fourth Century. • For Quest University: Founding Faculty member teaching Cornerstone; Global Studies; World Religions; Rhetoric; Identity and Perspective; Religion and Culture; Introduction to Latin • For SFU: Medieval Literature in Translation.


• University of Oxford, B.Litt., Early Christian Thought 1970-1978 • University of Toronto, Ph.D., Classics 1964-1974 • University of St. Michael’s, S.T.B., Theology 1965-1969 • University of Toronto, M.A., Classics 1963-1964 • University of Toronto, B.A., Honors Classics 1958-1964

Administrative Experience:

• Dean of Liberal Arts for Corpus Christi College 2013-2014 • Director for Liberal Arts Curriculum for Corpus Christi College 2012-2013 • Director of Arts One at UBC for 2 terms: 1998-2001; 2003-2005 • Guided Arts One through 2 successful External Reviews 1999; 2005 • Member of UBC Senate representing St. Mark’s College 1974-1990 •• Member of UBC Senate elected by Faculty of Arts 1996-1999 • Established new Major in Religion, Literature and the Arts 1995 • Appointed to official Roman Catholic/Lutheran Dialogue 1986-1991 • Member of Local Committee for World Council of Churches 1982-1983 • Executive Member of Committee for Racial Justice 1984-2005 • Principal of St. Mark’s College for 2 terms: 1974-1980; 1984-1991 • Chaired National Association of Theological Students 1966-1968

Service 2011-2013 • Interviewed for UBC Legacy Project 2013
• External Reviewer for Religious Studies Programs at King’s 2012 • University Examiner for doctoral defense of thesis on Religion and Political Thought in Alberta 2012 • Chair of Task Force on Liberal Arts for Corpus Christi: February to May 2012

Current Research 2013

• Article on “Child Sacrifice: A Polyvalent Story in Early and Medieval Eucharistic Piety” • A co-editor of Spoil the Child, a Festschrift for Paul Mosca

Research Publications: Books, Articles and Reviews


Burns, Paul C., A Model for the Christian Life: Hilary of Poitiers’ Commentary on the Psalms (Washington DC: Catholic University of America, 2012).

Burns, Paul C., ed., Jesus in Twentieth-Century Literature, Art and Movies (New York: Continuum Press, 2007): a collection of ten articles on major creative figures including two Jews and one Muslim.

Burns, Paul C., The Christology of Hilary of Poitiers’ Commentary on Matthew (Rome: Institutum Patristicum Augustinianum, 1981).

. Articles (Peer-refereed):

Burns, Paul C., “Hilary of Poitiers” for Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception edd. Hans-Josef Klauk, Bernard McGinn, Choon-Leung Seow, Hermann Spieckermann, Barry Dov Walfish and Eric Ziokowski (Berlin: De Gruyter Publishing House, TBA)

Burns, Paul C., “Hilarius of Poitiers” for Die Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart: Handwörterbuch für Theologie und Religionwissenschaft (Tübingen: J.C.B. Mohr, 2007)

Burns, Paul C., “Augustine’s use of Varro’s Antiqutates Rerum Divnarum in his De Civitate Dei” Augustinian Studies 32.1 (2001): 37-64

Burns, Paul C., “Role of Rhetorical exempla in Augustine’s City of God,” Studia Patristica 38 (2001): 31-40 and submitted to Augustinus at the request of the editor for a Spanish translation in July 2000.

Burns, Paul C., “‘Keys to the City’ in Hilary of Poitiers’ Commentary on the Psalms: a Social Metaphor?” in L’Esegesi dei Padri Latini: Dalle origini a Gregorio Magno: XXVIII Incontro di studiosi dell’antichià cristiana edited by. Aldo Bazan (Rome:Augustinianum, 2000):715-727.

Burns, Paul C., “The Writings of Hilary of Poitiers in Medieval Britain from c. 700 to c. 1330", From Arabye to Engelond: Medieval Studies in Honour of Mahamoud Manzalaoui on his 75th Birthday edited by A.E.C. Canitz and G.R. Wieland (University of Ottawa Press, 1999): 201-216.

Burns, Paul C., “Augustine’s Use of Sallust in the City of God: the Role of the Grammatical Tradition,” Augustinian Studies 30 (1999) :105-114 and reprinted in History, Apocalypse, and the Secular Imagination: New Essays on Augustine’s City of God edited by M. Vessey, K. Pollmann, and A. D. Fitzgerald (Bowling Green University Press: Philosophy Documentation Centre, 1999): 105-114.

Burns, Paul C., “Hilary’s Use of Communally Sanctioned Texts to Construct His Autobiography”, Zeitschrift für Antikes Christentum/Journal of Ancient Christianity 2 (1998): 65-83.

Burns, Paul C., “Cassian,” Encyclopedia of Early Christianity (Garland 1990) 180-181 (2nd. edition 1997): 219.

Burns, Paul C., “Fulgentius of Ruspe,” Encyclopedia of Early Christianity (Garland 1990) 355 (2nd. edition 1997): 442-443.

Burns, Paul C., “Gregory of Tours,” Encyclopedia of Early Christianity (Garland 1990) 402-403 (2nd. edition 1997): 498-499.

Burns Paul C., “Julian of Eclanum,” Encyclopedia of Early Christianity (Garland 1990) 512 (2nd. edition 1997): 642-643.

Burns, Paul C., "Mozarabic Liturgy" Encyclopedia of Medieval Iberia (Garland) submitted in 1996 and approved for publication but still not out.

Burns, Paul C., “Hilary of Poitiers” Road to Béziers: Politics or Religion?,” Journal of Early Christian Studies 2.3 (1994): 273-289.

Burns, Paul C., “West meets East in the De Synodis of Hilary of Poitiers,” Studia Patristica 28 (1993) 24-28.

Burns, Paul C., “Augustine's Distinctive Use of the Psalms in the Confessions: the Role of Music and Recitation,” Augustinian Studies 24 (1993) 133-146.

Burns, Paul C., “The Liberal Arts in the Eighties,” The Role of the Small Colleges in Higher Canadian Education edited by J. Hanrahan (Saskatoon: St. Thomas More College, 1988) 77-80; report of panel discussion 95-98

Burns, Paul C., “Hilary of Poitier's Confrontation with Arianism in 356 and 357,” Arianism: Historical and Theological Reassessments edited R.C. Gregg (The Philadelphia Patristics Foundation, 1985) 287-302.

Burns, Paul C., “Beneventan Interest in Virgil,” Studies in Medieval and Renaissance History 5 (1982) 172-282.

Selection of Book Reviews by Paul C. Burns:

P. Cramer, Baptism and Change in the Early Middle Ages c.200-c.1150 (Cambridge 1993) for The Journal of Medieval and Renaissance Studies in 1994.

P. Smulders, Hilary of Poitiers' Preface to his Opus Historicum (Brill 1995) in The Journal of Theological Studies 47 (1996) 298-301.

J. Pelikan, Mary through the Centuries: Her Place in the Arts and Culture (Yale 1996) for the Journal of Early Christian Studies 5 (1997) 593-594.

T.G. Eliot, The Christianity of Constantine the Great (U of Scranton Press, 1996) for the Journal of Early Christian Studies 6 (1998) 688-689.

M.J. Leddy. At the Border Called Hope: Where Refugees are Neighbours (Harper Collins, 1997) for Reaching Out: Newsletter of the Committee for Racial Justice, (Vancouver 1999): 1-4.

D.H. Akenson, Surpassing Wonder: The Invention of the Bible and the Talmuds (McGill-Queen’s University Press 1998) for Canadian Journal of History (2000): 111-113.

J. Doignon, Sancti Hilarii Pictaviensis Episcopi Tractatus super Psalmos: Insructio Psalmorum, In Psalmos I-XVI. Corpus Christianorum, Series Latina 61: Introduction and Critical Edition (Turnholt: Brepolis, 1997) in Journal for Early Christian Studies (2000): 118-119.

H.A. Drake, Constantine and the Bishops: the Politics of Intolerance (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2000) in Journal of Early Christian Studies 8 (2000): 592-594.

E.M. Atkins and R.J. Dodaro, Augustine: Political Writings (Cambridge University Press, 2001) in Bryn Mawr Classical Review online in Autumn, 2001.

T.D. Barnes, Athanasius and Constantius: Theology and Politics in the Constantinian Empire (Harvard University Press, paperback edition 2001) for Studies in Religion/ Sciencencs Religieuses 33 (2004): 261-262.

C. Conybeare, The Irrational Augustine, Oxford Early Christian Series (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006) for The Classical Review in 2008.

M. Weedman, The Trinitarian Theology of Hilary of Poitiers, Spupplemants to Vigiliae Christianae 89, Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2007 for Zeitschrist fűr Antikes Christentum/Journal of Ancient Christianity 13 (2009): 543-545.

Email: pburns@corpuschristi.ca